finally i get to post le.. being such a long time since i last posted(ard 3 weeks since the last post).. haha.. im such a busy person lor no choice lah huh.. anyway i can only remember a few things that happen from 2 weeks before starting from 5dec onwards ba..
6Dec- actually got no school but still went to school to meet babes and eat sugar loaf(a cafe open by TP students) and also to make my trip meaningful, went to study at library(waaaa so hardworking hor).. oh we stay at sugar loaf for quite long then the people there like want chase us away like that.. hee.. but i dont think they will chase lah cause i guess if we write feedback say so-so service very poor then he will be mark down ba.. after eating went toilet and end up zi-lianing.. haha.. dunno why always like that de lor(we love toilet!!!)
some pics took in a toilet(always love doing it)..

only left 5(2 went toilet le-main purpose)
7Dec- Sha sha b'day so guess what?? went to bugis eat steamboat lor.. haha.. was so fun lah(too bad zhao sick then cannot go nvm your b'day also coming le maybe can start planning now lor).. i think we eat for a few hours there sorry for those who's there queueing but what to do steamboat must eat slow slow de ar.. plus we got 10++ people there lor cant blame us right.. haha.. oh then what else ar.. hmmm.. i dont remember much le.. oh yaya saw 'xin guang pang' (from taiwan, finalist in something like superstar like that de lah)..
ghostly pic(dont worry is not ghost month yet)
group pic for gals(b'day girl 3rd from left)..
8Dec to 13Dec- dont wanna recall is a nightmare for me..(shiver).. haha..
ying too stress n tired le(end up very high & scary & mad..jkjk)
sleeping beauty.. too tired after studying..
14Dec- yeah last paper le.. then got a stupid talk didnt listen throughout(but got a quiz that will add 2% to a subject of mine if not i wont go de lor).. went to leisure park(the new mall at kallang) actually say want go there ice skate de but in the end they say very ex so didnt skate.. so spent almost 4hrs plus there playing arcade and eating.. actually we sat at subway there for more then 3hrs just chatting lor.. haha.. lucky nobody come say us and i think we quite noisy lor.. a great bonding session hor.. after that went to blk85 there eat supper again(i didnt eat dinner lah).. in the end we end up sooo full liao(gain 1kg le ba)..
our sister!! no lah.. haha
yummy yummy.. advertising for carrot cake..
jay Chou fAnatic!!